Cameroon’s national dialogue was announced by H.E. President Paul Biya in a televised address Tuesday September 10, 2019. The dialogue in question will mainly concern the crisis in the North-West and South-West Regions.

Please share your specific perspectives on the following:

  1. What are your first thoughts as far as the dialogue initiative is concerned?
  2. Who should be the key actors at the dialogue table?
  3. Should the UK-resident Cameroon Diaspora be represented? If so, how should the representatives be agreed?
  4. What should be the items on the dialogue agenda?
  5. What are the necessary conditions to reduce tension and assure the security of likely attendees ahead of the dialogue takeoff?
  6. Perhaps the dialogue should be undertaken in phases? If so, why and what should these phases be?
  7. Should the dialogue be limited over a timeframe, say a week or 2 weeks?
  8. What should be the desired outcomes of the dialogue exercise and at what point must these outcomes become binding?
  9. Any general comments concerning this dialogue inititative?